Bilirubin is a substance in your blood that occurs due to the breakdown/destruction of your Red Blood Cells. A normal occurrence in normal healthy individuals.
Abnormal levels of Bilirubin can indicate conditions like Jaundice, Anemia, Liver problems, Hepatitis, Gallstones, and more.
High levels in your blood display possible visible signs such as a yellowing of the skin or eyes (Jaundice).
Checking levels is done by having a Blood Test.
Other visible indicators at a lesser degree may be Dark Urine, or odd colored stool.
CADs often have dark colored urine following a more than acceptable cool or cold temperature exposure.
This exposure for a CAD can be air temperature, food/drink, swimming/showering in below body temperature water, sweaty/wet clothing, or even not drying off quickly after a shower. Much depends on the CAD’s cold sensitivity level.
These trigger/sensitivity levels can change over time for some CADs. So what you may have been able to get away with in the past, may trigger a crisis in the future.
In a CAD. After a cold temperature exposure, if dark urine shows ups, that indicates a problem. A problem you need to pay attention too, and do everything you can, to not repeat it.
The urine color may returns to normal in a short time. In a matter of hours after the body processes all the dead Red Cells. But this is your warning sign you have exceeded your limit, and have started causing damage.
To a CAD, if this is due to a cool/cold temperature exposure. The destruction of Red Cells may be more than what the body can replace through its “Retic” function. This could lead to not only elevated Bilirubin levels, but anemic conditions, or the slide of the Red Blood Cell count in the anemic direction as well. Most of which will be temporary, if what ever triggered this is avoided.
“Avoidance” of the triggers that accelerates CAD related hemolysis, is imperative. Otherwise it will impact health, cause numerous blood testing sessions,, and even the potential for future surgery and other more complicated treatments.
Causes and after effects may be expensive and perhaps impact ones health in other ways. “Avoidance” does impact a CADs lifestyle though. The severity of impact is also related the CAD’s sensitivity levels. Don’t take the approach of ignoring the symptoms, or causes, until you are in crisis.
In addition to cold related triggers in a CAD. Other normal triggers such as being exposed to a virus of some sort may come into play. Other triggers can cause a CAD to have an even high Bilirubin level than they normally live with.
So any significant elevation of Bilirubin, from a CADs “normal” level, is cause for concern.
A Bilirubin Blood test measures the amount of Bilirubin in your blood. There are two ways results may be given. Either “Indirect” or “Direct” Bilirubin
Indirect Bilirubin (or Unconjugated) Created from the breakdown of Red Blood Cells traveling in the blood to the Liver to be processed.
Direct Bilirubin (or Conjugated): This is Bilirubin that has reached the Liver and has undergone a chemical change.