We are asking for data from patients that have been diagnosed with CAD, and are experimenting with Home or Self testing meters to monitor or sample their Hgb level.
Please use the Column Header Names on the spreadsheet and provide us as much info as you can.
Send to our email address found at
“Contact Us“.
You must have CAD, then “Self” test with your hand held meter Within 15 minutes of your Lab draw, to submit info to be recorded.
To be able to view the spreadsheet data at the link, you must have access to “Google Sheets” and rudimentary knowledge of viewing spreadsheet data. Most people have access to view even without setting up any type of account. Simply try the link first. If more “Google Sheets” info is needed. Click the “Google Sheets” link in this paragraph.
Click this link to go to the Hgb Meter Comparison Data