COVID Treatments

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See: COVID Testing

* Masks, social distancing, and proper hygiene, are your first line of defense.
* Proper recommended doses of vaccine as well as boosters create antibodies
* Monoclonal Antibodies may be needed in those not not creating antibodies

Vaccines depend on the body to create an immune response, then produce needed antibodies.

Lab made Antibodies are long lasting and act as a substitute for vaccine stimulated and immune system produced antibodies.    Especially when a patients own immune system is unable to mount a immune response to a vaccination.

These lab made antibodies can either be produced to enhance, or mimic, an immune system response.

As Covid lingers and re-surges.  Treatments and Protocols are ever changing.

What are Monoclonal Antibodies?
Monoclonal Antibodies are lab created antibodies. Clones of specific and unique white blood cells.  All clones can be traced back to the original cell.  They bind to only one epitope.  The epitope is a specific part of an Antigen (foreign invader), that the cloned antibody recognizes.

Many CADs are already familiar with Monoclonal Antibodies whether they realize it or not.  Having either been prescribed, or have had them recommended as an attempted treatment for CAD.   If you are familiar with Rituxan a.k.a Rituximab, then you are already familiar with this technology or at least a product that is cloned antibodies.

Rituxan is a Monoclonal Antibody.  Its initial approval was 1997.  It was the top selling Oncology drug for close to a decade.  Reaching $8.58 Billion in 2016.

Unlike a Polyclonal Antibody.  A Polyclonal Antibody will bind to  multiple epitopes.

Covid Monoclonal Antibodies are used to treat newly infected Covid cases, as well as a preventative (Prophylactic) pre-Covid infection, for those with poor immune systems.


Decmeber 2020
Casirivimab and Imdevimab (Regeneron) A Monoconal Antibody, IV infused in high risk patients with active Covid.  The infused Antibodies will directly attack the virus before your body has fully developed its own antibodies.  Infusion takes place over approximately 1 hour.

December 2020
Bamlanivimab  (Eli Lilly) A Monoconal Antibody, IV infused in high risk patients with active Covid.  The infused Antibodies will directly attack the virus before your body has fully developed its own antibodies.  Infusion takes place over approximately 1 hour.

December 2021
–  (brand name Xevudy ) Development by GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, Inc.  IV infused It has been shown effective against the latest Covid variant Omicron.   In mild and moderate cases of Covid.  This is a Monoclonal Antibody.

December 2021
EVUSHELD (AstraZeneca) is a “Preventative/Prophylactic” combination of Tixagevimab and Cilgavimab. Both are lab produced monoclonal antibodies.  It is administered by injection into the muscle (IM verses IV).  Two injections given, one right after the other, on the same visit.  Then repeated every 6 months.

You have to meet certain criteria.  You can’t have an active case of Covid, or a recent exposure.
* Have a Health Condition (e.g., immunocompromised because of cancer currently)
* Taking Medications that may interfere with Vaccinations (chemotherapy or transplant anti-rejection drugs)
*  Unable to take the vaccine due to severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)

Pfizer COVID-19 pill  (No info on this yet)

Merck COVID-19 pill (No info on this yet)
